Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU)Der Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU) gehört weltweit zu den wichtigsten und ...
Regelmäßige Fort- und Weiterbildung ist für die Ärzte der Goldstadt Privatklinik selbstverständlich. Dr. med. Pawel Rachubinski, Oberarzt der Goldstadt ...
Thema: „Roboterassistierte da-Vinci-Operation bei Prostata-Karzinom“
The "Optical PCNL Access Catheter" was named best patent of the week by DeviceMed magazine.
Minimally invasive surgical techniques with a focus on mini-PCNL were the focus of the congress of the Association des Urologues du Sud, Morocco
Date: February 8, 2023, 7:00 PMTopic: Prostate Cancer - Diagnosis and Treatment with Robot-Assisted da Vinci SurgeryThe Urology Forum from Goldstadt ...
Privatdozent Dr. med. Jörn H. Witt, an internationally recognized pioneer of robot-assisted da Vinci operations, took up his position at Goldstadt Privatklinik at the beginning of 2023.
At the American Urological Congress in Las Vegas, Prof. Dr. med. S. Lahme was invited to a panel discussion on the topic: "Mini-PCNL versus ureterorenoscopy: more effective or just more invasive?".
The PURE UROLOGY Facebook Group is an association of more than 6000 urologists worldwide who deal with surgical techniques in urology. The group is organized by Dr. V. Chandra Mohan, Hyderabad, India.
The "Urology Compact" course (www.uro-compact.de) has been running for years as a training course for future urology specialists.
The Mini-PCNL n. Lahme is also increasingly becoming the new standard for percutaneous stone therapy in India. Goldstadt Privatklinik makes an active contribution to the online congress of the North Indian Society of Urology.
Mini-PCNL is now the method of choice for the percutaneous removal of urinary stones. In front of more than 2,500 participants, an international panel of experts discussed the latest developments ...
On October 2, 2020, Goldstadt Privatklinik presented the Mini-PCNL according to Lahme in an international webinar.
In times of the Covid-19 pandemic, there are currently no international scientific conferences taking place. International scientific exchange is therefore taking place in the form of globally accessible video conferences via the internet.
Prof. Dr. Sven Lahme is the author of the chapter "Mini-PCNL" in the latest international textbook: Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.
The research group led by Prof. Dr. Sven Lahme was awarded the best surgical video at the American Urology Congress 2018 in San Francisco. The film, created ...
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