Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Jörn H. Witt
Educational Background
1966 -1978 | Primary School and High School |
June 1978 | High School Diploma (Abitur) |
Civil Service
1979 - 1980 | Civil Service, District Hospital, Wedel/Holstein |
1980 - 1987 | Studied Human Medicine at the Universities of Essen, Göttingen, and Bochum |
October 1987 | State Examination |
November 1987 | Medical License (Approbation) |
1993 - 1995 | Specialization - Katharinenhospital, Stuttgart |
Doctoral Thesis
Topic: | "Morphological Findings of Arthroscopically Removed Meniscal Portions - Insurance Medical Aspects -" |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. K.-M. Müller, Institute of Pathology, Bergmannsheil Bochum |
June 1988 | Oral Examination (Summa cum laude) |
Research Focus: | Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy |
November 2020 | Habilitation at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel |
Professional Training
June 1994 | Board Certification in Urology |
December 1997 | Specialization in Urological Surgery |
Professional Activities
Jan. 1988 - Mar. 1988 | Resident, General Surgery, St-Elisabeth-Hospital, Meerbusch-Lank Chief Physician: Dr. van Laak |
Apr. 1988 - Oct. 1989 | Research Assistant, Department of Urology, Free University of Berlin, Rudolf Virchow Hospital, Charlottenburg Site Chief Physician: Prof. Dr. R. Nagel |
Nov. 1989 - Nov. 1990 | Resident, General Surgery, St. Antonius Hospital, Cologne Chief Physician: Dr. Ch. Nittinger |
Nov. 1990 - Aug. 1994 | Research Assistant, Department of Urology, University of Cologne Chief Physician: Prof. Dr. U. Engelmann |
Sept. 1994 - Mar. 2002 | Senior Physician, Department of Urology, Municipal Hospitals Neuss - Lukaskrankenhaus GmbH Chief Physician: Prof. Dr. F. Boeminghaus |
Apr. 2002 - Dec. 2022 | Chief Physician, Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology, and Urological Oncology - Prostate Center Northwest, Academic Teaching Hospital of the University of Münster St. Antonius-Hospital, Gronau |
Other Important Professional Activities
May 2004 | Founding of the Prostate Center Northwest |
August 2004 | Establishment of HIFU Therapy |
March 2006 | Establishment of Robot-assisted Surgery in Gronau |
September 2007 | Founding of the German Society for Robot-assisted Surgery (together with Prof. Dr. M. Stöckle, Homburg/Saar) |
December 2008 | Co-President of the 1st German Robot-assisted Symposium (DRUS) |
December 2009 | President of the 2nd German Robot-assisted Symposium |
December 2009 | President of the 2nd German Robot-assisted Symposium |
Since September 2013 | Member of the Working Group on Laparoscopy and Robot-assisted Surgery of the German Society of Urology |
Since September 2015 | Associate Board Member of the European Robotic Urology Section (ERUS) |
2017 – 2018 | Deputy Chair of the Working Group on Laparoscopy and Robot-assisted Surgery of the DGU |
Since November 2018 | Chair of the Working Group on Laparoscopy and Robot-assisted Surgery of the DGU |
Since 2019 | Affiliated Expert for Digital Health of the World Health Organization (WHO) |
November 2020 | President of the joint annual meeting of the ERUS and the DGRU (virtual) |
November 2021 | President of the joint annual meeting of the ERUS and the DGRU in Düsseldorf |
Publications by PD Dr. med. Jörn H. Witt
- Witt, J. H.; Müller K. M. Evidence for the Ir (100) surface reconstruction by field-ion microscopy. Physical Review Letters 1986 Sep 1; 57(9):1153-1156.
- Fisseler A.; Witt J. H.; Kramer J.; Müller K. M. Morphologie arthroskopisch gewonnener Meniskusresektate. Versicherungsmedizinische Aspekte. Pathologe 1986 Nov; 7(6):305-9.
- WittJ. H.; Vanherpe H.; von Waldthausen W.; Nagel R. Stellenwert der Magnetresonanztomographie in der Diagnostik renaler Raumforderungen. Helv Chir Acta 1990 Nov; 57(3):451-3.
- Prokop A.; Gawenda M.; Witt J. H. ; Schmidt-Rixen T. Die Founier-Gangrän. Langenbecks Arch Chir 1994; 379(4):224-8.
- Eidt, S.; Hake R.; WittJ. H. Kolloidkarzinom des Urachus. Zytologische Diagnostik und differentialdiagnostische Abgrenzung. Pathologe 1995 Mar; 16(2):139-42.
- Boeminghaus, F; Witt J. H.; Schermesser M.; König M. Begradigung des Penis bei IPP durch Beseitigung der Innenkrümmung mittels eines Venentransplantates. Video, EAU, Genf, 07.-10. April 2001.
- Boeminghaus F.; Witt J. H.; König M. Entnahme und Modellage eines Vena saphena Transplantates zur Beseitigung der Innenkrümmung des Penis bei Induratio penis plastica. Aktuelle Urologie, 2002 Apr 4:334-6.
- HIFU – Methodik, Indikationen, Ergebnisse. Urologische Nachrichten, 2004,04:10.
- WittJ. H. Roboter-assistierte radikale Prostatektomie – Frühergebnisse nach 150 Fällen. Urologische Nachrichten 08/2007.
- WittJ. H. Kurzer Weg vom Neuland zu vertrautem Boden Roboter-assistierte radikale Prostatektomie – Erfahrungen nach 18 Monaten. Andrologeninfo 09/2007.
- WittJ. H.; Wagner C., Davoudi Y.; Zabelberg U. Methoden der nervschondenen roboter-assistierten Prostatektomie. DVD Präsentation, DGU, 26.-29.09.2007, Berlin.
- WittJ. H.; Wagner C.; Davoudi Y.; Zabelberg U. Strategies in nerve-sparing robotic radical prostatectomy. DVD Präsentation, ERUS, 12.-14.09.2007, Brüssel.
- WittJ. H.: Kapitel „Robotic Kidney Surgery“. Buch „Robotic Urology“. Hrsg.: H. John/P. Wiklund. Springer-Verlag, 2008.
- Labanaris A. P.; Engelhard K.; Zugor V.; Nützel R. and Kühn R. Prostate cancer detection using an extended prostate biopsy schema in combination with additional targeted cores from suspicious images in conventional and functional endorectal magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (2009), 1–6: 1365-7852/09.
- WittJ. H.; Wagner C.; Schütte A.; Noormohammadi H. Blasenhalspräparation bei der roboter-assistierten radikalen Prostatektomie – Die Gronauer Technik. DGU Dresden 2009 (Video).
- Zugor V.; Labanaris A. P.; Rezaei-Jafarei M. R.; Hammerer P.; Dembowski J.; Witt J. H.; Wucherpfennig W. TVT vs. TOT: A comparison in terms of continence results, complications and quality life after a median follow-up of 48 months. International urology and nephrology 2010 Februar.
- Porres D.; Wagner C.; Zugor V.; Akcetin Z.; Witt J. H. 1875 Does the dorsal reconstruction of Denonvillier´s fascia improve the early continence rate after robot assisted prostatectomy? A prospective techniques in a high volume comparison of two techniques in a high volume prostate cancer center. The Journal of Urology, 2010 April 183 (4): 728.
- ZugorV.; Labanaris A. P.; Witt J. H.; Seidler A.; Weingärtner K.; Schott G. E. Congenital juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the testis in newborns. Anticancer research 2010 May, 30 (5): 1731-4.
- ZugorV.; Miskovic I.; Lausen B.; Matzel K.; Hohenberger W.; Schreiber M.; Labanaris A. P.; Neuhuber W.; Witt J. H.; Schott G. E. Sexual Dysfunction after Rectal Surgery: A Retrospective Study of men without Disease Recurrence. The journal of sexual medicine, 2010 September 7(9): 3199-205.
- ZugorV.; Porres D.; Labanaris A.; Witt J. H. Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy in patients with a PSA ≥20ng/ml: Oncological and perioperative characteristics. UroForum 2011.
- Zugor V., Addali M.; Porres D.; Labanaris A.; Witt J. H. Erectile Function after Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy. UroForum 2011.
- Witt J. H.; Wagner C.; Zugor V. Book: Complications in Urology. "Complications in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy". Thieme Verlag.
- Zugor V.; Labanaris A.; Witt J. H. Book: Complications in Urology. "Secondary Anastomotic Insufficiency as a Rare Complication after Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy". Thieme Verlag.
- Labanaris A.; Engelhard K.; Zugor V.; Witt J. H.; Kühn R.; Inapparent Tumor on Endorectal Multimodality Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Prostate: Should We Perform a Biopsy? Urology, 2011 Feb. 16. Abstract
- Zugor V.; Labanaris A.; Abdulhak A. ; Eck A. ; Wagner C. ; Porres D.; Witt J. H.; Robotic Surgery in Pediatric Urology. Current Status and Perspectives Der Urologe 2011